Originally created in the UK, TaikaBox is a vehicle for creative collaboration – initially bringing together Finnish choreographer Tanja Råman and British video artist John Collingswood to create performance events.

They moved to Northern Finland in 2015 and expanded TaikaBox into an organisation that facilitates cross-media collaboration, with a particular emphasis on the integration of dance and technology. Alongside creating performances for stage, screen and site, they are committed to fostering wider collaborations, bringing together artists, educators and businesses to incubate creative ecosystems.

Based in the rural seaside community of Varjakka, 20km from Oulu, TaikaBox brings international artists into the area as part of their artist residency programme based in KALAMAJA – an old fishing shed that they converted into a community art space.

KALAMAJA is the a simple 16m2 building in Varjakka harbour. During the summer months it is used as artist studio, gallery, workshop space and pop-up cinema.